For our clients incurring monthly payments or maintenance fees on toxic assets such as failing businesses and timeshares…
We can offer options to these particular clients with whom most companies will not even communicate. Frequently, “financed” clients are stuck with a business that is no longer profitable or second home/ timeshare ownership that has resulted in a situation where the cost by far outweighs the benefits. For financed clients seeking relief options, each situation receives an individual assessment and is provided knowledgeable advice on a case-by-case basis.
Anyone carrying a debt on timeshare properties should well be aware there is (or is almost) zero monetary value in the ownership and for some time has been considered a toxic asset. Most auction websites and aftermarket outlets are desperately trying to give away timeshares for nothing without any luck, as most people have moved on to simple easy booking vacation websites side-stepping ongoing future cost commitments. Regardless of what commissioned sales reps will say to make sales, selling a timeshare for any amount is nearly impossible.
It is resolving situations such as these that help our clients drastically improve their overall net worth as well as their current credit situation and monthly debt-to-income ratio. Owners Financial Services provides all clients with results first, no upfront fees; want to know your options? Click here.
Almost every timeshare client to submit for assistance from our firm has documented they have been victims of manipulative sales tactics, however, most are blind to the extent that they have been manipulated into the sale. For a better understanding of deceptive sales tactics and if these may have been used in your particular case, click here.
For owners that are looking for someone to accurately assess their financial situation and provide an unbiased opinion…
A common problem our firm deals with is disputes within corporations and partnership-owned real estate purchases. Often times clients who are saturated with bad debt of a toxic asset feel like they are in a never-ending battle. The legal system can be a very costly and timely process for business and real estate owners to resolve their issues. Mediation can be an effective way to reduce increasing fees or provide a legal exit strategy.
Mediation is used mainly when conflict or debt escalates beyond reasonable agreement. If you need to resolve a dispute and improve your situation, mediation is an avenue to reaching an endpoint. This endpoint can result in a large reduction in toxic debt or a permanent exit strategy because an ongoing issue with businesses and real estate partnerships is many partners do not agree. From a cost standpoint, mediation is much more economical than hiring attorneys and going through the legal process. Many families, who are stuck with toxic debt on a business or real estate, cannot afford a long legal battle. Another issue in this situation is the recurring homeowners fees and unpredictable assessments that property owners are not financially prepared for.
Frequently, owners do not agree on the best way to run a business or to maintain a property. Some owners or board members might be pushing to change the way the business operates or in the case of real estate raise dues, add amenities, increase cash reserves, etc, causing a financial burden on everyone. Whether a business or real estate owner is trying to settle a debt or reduce unpaid association fees and discuss a permanent exit strategy, mediation is often very successful.
For owners looking for some insight on how a toxic asset such as fractional ownership or a timeshare might actually be affecting their financial status…
With all of today’s commercially advertised “credit products,” we get many inquiries as to what effects credit, especially when it comes to toxic assets. Most owners are aware already if their business or real estate ownership carries little to no intrinsic financial value, but they do not stop to think what it actually looks like to a future creditor. Lenders ask for bank statements for a reason. Many clients referred to our firm are paying large monthly payments they can barely afford on a timeshare or business with a $0 value. These same clients are frequently also paying a ‘credit information service’ for information already available for free and chasing a score that is often confused with a sign of wealth and progress. This is wasted money in the eyes of a lender and negatively affects a debt-to-income ratio, which is the actual ability to pay. We help clients analyze this situation in simple terms and debunk some of the credit myths out there. This helps clients focus on what is important for their business and their families’ financial well-being.
Clients and prospective clients experiencing current or previous credit issues are advised that OFS does not work directly with the credit bureaus or guarantee any favorable outcome related to credit issues. Although consultation and guidance can be provided in certain credit situations (this can be providing letters to clients to send to bureaus and, in some cases, speaking to lenders), we are not a credit repair company, and clients experiencing credit-related situations are, in most cases, advised to seek other means of repair.
For a slightly more in-depth example as to the questions, we receive on this topic please visit our frequently asked questions page and click How do toxic assets really affect my credit?
For our clients who wish to dissolve or reduce homeowner’s association fees connected with a second home or fractional real estate ownership….
Many clients opt to relieve themselves of on-going association fees for simpler pay-as-you-go options widely available on the open real estate market. Owners Financial offers several different options to owners that only incur costs upon actual usage, while incurring fewer obligations. The costs incurred on a usage only basis are equal to or less than most owners’ current dues, which have helped make this an easy choice. As the pay-as-you-use concept has caught on more recently and does not obligate an owner to higher long-term homeowners association fee liabilities, making parting ways with current ownership plans the logical choice.
Owners Financial offers a great variety of services tailor designed to each client. We realize that there is not one plan that suits everyone’s needs. Generally we discuss a wide range of owners’ options that most consultants and mediation services would not cover.